Rhysling Nomination – Value Measure

Joseph Halden and I are excited to share that our poem, “Value Measure” has been nominated for this year’s Rhysling Award in the ‘Long Poem’ category. “Value Measure” was originally published in Dreams and Nightmares 125 which...

An Aurora Award Nomination!

Holy. I should not start this blog post with this, but I’m going to anyway. You would not believe how many tries it took for me to come up with a title for this post. It was truly remarkable, which, is probably why I’m remarking upon it 🙂 I am incredibly...


This week was pretty special when it comes to publication milestones for me. First, Beth Cato and I have two poems in the most recent issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Two! That feels so crazy to me. Almost every writer I speak to has a list of dream publication...

Star*Line — Editor’s Choice

My poem, “Poltergeist” was included in the most recent issue of Star*Line annnnnd even better it was chosen as one of the editor’s picks. That’s the first time one of my poems has ever been Editor’s Choice at Star*Line, which is super...

Neon Magazine

Every time I sell a poem or a story it’s nice, but some of those publications are more special than others. The one I get to announce today is one of those ‘special’ ones because it’s something I have wanted for a long time. I wanted to look...
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