We did it!

This year’s Giftmas fundraiser goal was $1,000 and we met it. In fact, we managed to surpass it by a little bit!

Thank you so much.

On the surface our goal may seem modest but the Edmonton Food Bank will be able to turn those donations into 3,054 meals for people who need them. That’s 3,054 meals that wouldn’t otherwise exist and that is a very big thing indeed.

Again, thank you so much for everything you’ve done to help make this happen, you’re amazing.

The fundraising page will be open for a few more hours here –> https://www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/2023-giftmas-fundraiser/ because I always like to build a buffer in. I wouldn’t want someone just learning about it today to feel unable to contribute.

If you did donate, do not forget to enter Iseult’s draw here –> https://iseultmurphy.com/2023/12/06/giftmas-2023/

And here is a quick recap of all the stops on our blog tour in case you missed one. I think they all offer a little something different and special:


Giftmas 2023 

Introduction blog post — http://www/rhondaparrish.com/home/

Bonus: Short story by Ed Greenwood and Rhonda Parrish — https://www.patreon.com/posts/golden-simril-93992966

Laura VanArendonk Baugh tells a Christmas lights short story — https://lauravanarendonkbaugh.com/blog/

Beth Cato talks about winters across the United States — https://www.bethcato.com/

Iseult Murphy shares a true crime story and offers a fun prize drawing — https://iseultmurphy.com/2023/12/06/giftmas-2023/

Rhonda Parrish talks about her grandmother and holiday memories — https://www.rhondaparrish.com/home/i-want-to-talk-about-my-grandmother/

Stephanie A. Cain shares some thoughts about different kinds of winter light — https://www.stephaniecainonline.com/giftmas-2023-winter-light/

Tyche Books explains why our ‘Winter Light’ theme made her think of Barbie — https://tychebooks.com/news/giftmas-2023

JB Riley offers fun story about a very special *cough* werewolf *cough* family’s holiday — https://jbriley.com/2023/12/10/giftmas-2023/

Thank you Again!

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