I have edited a fair number of anthologies over the years. Many of them are a part of series, but some stand alone. Either way, the best way to learn more about them is to use the drop down menu to go to each title’s specific individual page but you can also click directly on the cover images below.


Alphabet Anthologies

The plan is for this series to eventually have twenty-six volumes. Not only do I hope to do one volume for each letter of the alphabet, every individual anthology also contains twenty-six stories (so meta!).

One of my favourite parts of this series is that the story titles follow the same ‘LETTER is for WORD’ format as the anthology titles and come at the end of the story, not the beginning. People have shared with me that they enjoy reading the stories and trying to guess what the ‘word’ is going to be at the end of each story. Which is exactly what I’d hoped for πŸ™‚

Elemental Anthologies

This is intended to be a series of four anthologies, one for each of the primary elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water.

I know some people include ‘Spirit’ as a fifth element, but we actually incorporated that one into Air so it’s covered without a fifth anthology πŸ˜‰

Magical Menageries

The first anthology in this series, Fae, is not the first I edited but it is the one which first started to put my work on people’s radars. For that reason I often refer to it as ‘the one that started it all’.

This anthology series is complete at five volumes long.

Punked Up Fairy Tales

I anticipate this being a three volume series. Dieselpunk and decopunk, steampunk and finally cyberpunk.

Niteblade Anthologies

I ran Niteblade Magazine from 2007 to 2014 and in that time, in addition to putting out the electronic versions of the magazine we also did a handful of print anthologies.

Pirating Pets

TheΒ Swashbuckling Cats anthology came about as a bit of a lark, the result of a conversation on Twitter. But it did so well, even being nominated for the Aurora Award, that we decided to do a dog-centric sequel as well. And that’s how this anthology duology came to be πŸ™‚

Swashbuckling Cats

Single Volumes

These anthologies are not in a series, or if they are it’s not a series that I’m exclusive editor of πŸ™‚

Dark Waters Cover
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