The Naughty List

Every year I participate in ‘Advent Ghosts’ which is an event where people tell spoopy stories around Christmas time. I enjoy the challenge of writing something dark or haunting with the season in mind, as well as reading what everyone else has put together. My story...

Forgotten Lore

Forbidden magic, half-remembered Gods, the secrets to immortality, final outposts, bloody vengeance and fantastical creatures all abound in these stories by Krista D. Ball, Katelyn Brehm, M.L.D. Curelas, Rhonda Parrish, Katie Rodante, BD Wilson and Tristan Wolfe. As...

Star*Line — Editor’s Choice

My poem, “Poltergeist” was included in the most recent issue of Star*Line annnnnd even better it was chosen as one of the editor’s picks. That’s the first time one of my poems has ever been Editor’s Choice at Star*Line, which is super...

Neon Magazine

Every time I sell a poem or a story it’s nice, but some of those publications are more special than others. The one I get to announce today is one of those ‘special’ ones because it’s something I have wanted for a long time. I wanted to look...

Release Day: Untethered

A couple years ago I started a Patreon and invited my patrons to help me pick which projects I ought to work on and even earmarked a % of the money from the Patreon to the project they chose. The first thing they picked was a novel I wanted to write — that will...

One in the Hand

It all started with a premade cover. It’s kind of funny how frequently the backstories of my books begin that way these days. But it did all start with a premade cover — a whole series of them, actually. By BZN Studio Covers. I had to have them. Even...
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