So. This happened.

Tyche Books won the Douglas Barbour Award for Speculative Fiction (awarded annually by the Book Publishers Association of Alberta) for Water: Selkies, Sirens and Sea Monsters. Which I just happen to have edited 😉

I got the news sitting at my table at Edmonton Expo. At first I was in shock, texted back something like, “Are you sure?” and when I was assured that yes, that really did happen I just sort of stood up, looked at all the strangers surrounding me and was like, “My book just won an award?!”

LOL It was very surreal and super awesome.

What a way to cap off a fantastic anthology series.

Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved in this book — the amazing contributors, Ashley Walters for her freaking fantastic cover and especially, especially Margaret, the Boss Lady over at Tyche Books.


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