I’m pleased to be able to share the cover and Table of Contents for my latest anthology — Pirating Pups: Salty Sea-Dogs and Barking Buccaneers.

X Marks More Than One Spot

Enter a world of Barking Buccaneers, where piratical dogs sail the seas, seeking one tail-chasing adventure after another. Whether dealing with sea monsters, the doldrums, or bitter betrayal, these dogs have a true nose for adventure and always dig up their buried treasure.

Featuring thirteen daring “tails” of dogs, puns, and fun!

Table of Contents

The Empress of Marshmallow — Chadwick Ginther
Davy Bones and the Domestication of the Dutchman —Jennifer Lee Rossman
Johnson the Terror — Meghan Beaudry
Ghost Pirate Dognapper — Kristen Brand
Blackbark’s Collar — Richard Lau
Let the Water Drink First — V.F. LeSann
New Tricks — Alice Dryden
Torvi, Viking Queen — Melanie Marttila
Under the Curse of Jupiter — Mathew Austin
The Boomer Bust — JB Riley
What Gold Smells Like — Author Frances Pauli
Artistic Appropriation — George Jacobs
What Frisky Wrought When the Wheels Fell Off the World — E.C.Bell

The book comes out August 9th, but you can reserve your copy now!

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