Goals for 2022

Each January I like to take some time to set goals for myself for the coming year. It’s something that has, historically, really helped me stay focused on things and get stuff done. Plus, the process of sitting down to think through what goals I’d like to...

Looking Back at 2021

I find it helpful to set goals for myself at the beginning of each year and then look back and assess them at the end of the year. It provides a bit of a roadmap, almost, for the year and I check back on it every few months to remind myself what January Rhonda wanted...

Goals for 2021

Each year I like to set goals for myself and post them on my blog. Writing them out helps me organise my thoughts and plan for what I’d like to accomplish during the year. It also gives me a handy, dandy place to check-in over the course of the year to remind...
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