Giftmas 2023 — Winter Light

Every year some of my friends and I organise a fundraiser to help support the Edmonton Food Bank and we use our blogs to try and signal boost it. This is that 🙂 This year our theme is ‘Winter Light’. I chose it, in part, because last year our theme was...

Award Eligibility – 2023 Edition

Each year I write and share a list of my work from the previous year that is award eligible. It’s an interesting exercise in pride and also humility. It always feels a little big odd to say, “Here are the things I created last year — do you think they are exceptional?...

Glass, Paper, Salt

As you probably already know, my latest anthology, Saltwater Sorrows came out at the beginning of this month and I’m trying to celebrate that by sharing a series of blog posts by myself and some of my authors. Today I’m excited to share this blog by...
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