Girl with a red cape blowing behind her

Each year I write and share a list of my work from the previous year that is award eligible. It’s an interesting exercise in pride and also humility. It always feels a little big odd to say, “Here are the things I created last year — do you think they are exceptional? Worthy of award nomination?” It’s awkward and just on the edge of feeling boastful, which is absolutely not what I’m about. And I always, always, always have to resist the urge to be self-effacing or add a bunch of explanations.

At the exact same time when I create these blog posts, when I list out some of the things I accomplished in the year that just past, I’m usually really proud.

It’s that exact same feeling this year, of course. In fact, I *may* have copy/pasted some text directly from last year’s blog post LOL This year is a bit different in that some of the things I wrote and loved the most were ‘published’ exclusively on Patreon, which means they are not actually eligible for awards. Because I like to keep things complicated, I guess.

Without further ado and while recognizing this is a little awkward, but with a lot of pride, let me share some of the things I had published last year which may be eligible for award nomination:

“Wait, Hope”, Star*Line, Winter 2023 (With Joseph Halden)*
“The Deal”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January/February 2023 (With Beth Cato)
“Lucky Shot”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January/February 2023 (With Beth Cato)
“Birthday Cake”, Dreams and Nightmares, January 2023 (With Beth Cato)
“The Nothings”, Utopia Science Fiction, February 2023 (With Beth Cato)
“Three Years”, Polar Starlight #10, May 2023 (With Leslie Van Zwol)
“Breathe”, Polar Starlight #11, September 2023 (With Leslie Van Zwol)*
“The Permanence of Stone”, Star*Line, Fall 2023 (With Beth Cato)
“Value Measure”, Dreams and Nightmares, September 2023 (With Joseph Halden)
“Ten-Four”, Polar Borealis #27, October 2023*
“Breath Between Battles”, The Quiet Ones: Vol. 2, Issue 3 – The End, Part Two, December 2023 (With Beth Cato)*

Short Stories:
“Snake Bit”, Swords and Sorcery Magazine, January 2023 (With Jarrod K. Wade)

Anthology / Related Work:
Saltwater Sorrows, Tyche Books, August 2023

In addition to this anthology being eligible for awards in its own right, I am also eligible in ‘short form editor’ categories for the work I did on the stories they contain. I’m eligible in ‘long form editor’ categories for the work I did on Hayden Trenholm’s novel, The Passion of Ivan Rodriguez.

If you are nominating for any awards and would like to read and consider any of my eligible works, get in touch and we’ll make it happen.

Thank you!


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