Saltwater Sorrows

Each anthology I put together is a time capsule of sorts because they reflect where I am in my life, my heart and my mind when I put them together. Given the exact same anthology theme and submissions the anthology I’d curate in December 2019 would be different...

Saltwater Sorrows

Saltwater Sorrows Deep, mysterious, beautiful . . . dangerous . . . Women and the sea have been tied together in myth and story from the beginning of time. Tales of women being drawn to the sea or being left on the shore, waiting for their men’s return, have been...

Blanket Fort (and writing)

I don’t remember what it was called back in 2018 when I created my Discord server. Something about NaNoWriMo? Man… I know it’s only 5 years ago but it feels like a whole lifetime. Anyway. Yes, I created my Discord server in 2018. Back then it was...

The Chimps and I

I have a thing for chimpanzees. Not like the whole ‘chimp dressed up as a person ha ha isn’t that funny?’ thing, in fact, I kind of hate that thing. What I love is chimpanzees just being chimpanzees. The thing that opened my eyes to how amazing...

Forgotten Lore

Forbidden magic, half-remembered Gods, the secrets to immortality, final outposts, bloody vengeance and fantastical creatures all abound in these stories by Krista D. Ball, Katelyn Brehm, M.L.D. Curelas, Rhonda Parrish, Katie Rodante, BD Wilson and Tristan Wolfe. As...
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