It all started with a premade cover.

It’s kind of funny how frequently the backstories of my books begin that way these days. But it did all start with a premade cover — a whole series of them, actually. By BZN Studio Covers. I had to have them. Even though they were obviously for an urban fantasy series and, at that time I wasn’t writing urban fantasy. But still, they called to me.

So I bought them. And then sat on them.

Because I didn’t have any idea about what I was going to write to go with them.

For about two years I let ideas for the series simmer and percolate in the back of my brain while I actively worked on other things. And then at the end of last year I sat down and wrote the first book.

I love it! And I’m super excited to share it with you today 🙂


When a sword manifests in an old folk’s home it opens Autumn’s eyes to a whole world of magic, gods and giants. But before she has a chance to come to grips with her new reality, Autumn’s grandmother is attacked and put in the hospital. Autumn needs to discover what the deal is with the sword and how to protect herself and the people she loves.

And, of course, there’s also the matter of the wings that have sprouted from her back.

Can she learn about this new reality and the shadowy forces working within it in time to diffuse the situation before someone gets killed?


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Or ask your local library to order it in 🙂

Also, there’s one other awesome thing. In addition to being available as an ebook and a paperback, you can also get One in the Hand in hardcover.


“One in the Hand is relentlessly paced, character driven urban fantasy as its finest. Parrish hooked me from the opening line and I couldn’t put the book down. One in the Hand should delight mythology fans while having enough surprises even for saga snobs. I hope it becomes a series.”

Chadwick Ginther

Author of the Thunder Road trilogy

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