Once upon a time, a long, long time ago — okay, maybe more like seven or eight years but it feels like a lifetime — I thought I might like to edit an anthology… an anthology I would call Arcana.

That’s right. This is the very first anthology I ever conceived of and I’m ridiculously excited to be able to announce its forthcoming release!

Tarot card decks have twenty-two major arcana, filled with symbolism and imbued with meaning. Explore the greater secrets and ideas behind those cards with the stories and poems of Arcana. Discovery awaits in tales such as a grasping king struggling with his legacy, an alchemist setting a golem out on a mission of revenge and a woman finding what she didn’t know she was looking for.

Each story is like drawing a card from the deck–you never know what it might reveal.

Featuring stories by Sara Dobie Bauer, Greg Bechtel, Beth Cato, Eliza Chan, Kevin Cockle, Sara Cleto, J.G. Formato, Chadwick Ginther, Joseph Halden, Gabrielle Harbowy, Jim C. Hines, Diana Hurlburt, L.S. Johnson, Dan Koboldt, C.S. MacCath, Susan MacGregor, Cat McDonald, Annie Neugebauer, Alexandra Seidel, Angela Slatter, Sarena Ulibarri, Brittany Warman and BD Wilson.

Coming May 11th!

Reserve your copy now




More vendors will be added soon.

There will be a paperback version available on release day.

Cover art and design by Philippe McNally and featuring interior illustrations by Marge Simon

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