by Rhonda | Aug 16, 2021 | Announcements, Punked Up Fairy Tales
I am over the moon excited to share not only the Table of Contents but also the cover for Trenchcoats, Towers and Trolls — an anthology of cyberpunk fairy tales! What do you get when you take the high tech/low life settings of cyberpunk and sprinkle them with...
by Rhonda | Mar 2, 2021 | Punked Up Fairy Tales
Today is the day Clockwork, Curses and Coal: Gaslamp and Steampunk Fairy Tales hits the shelves! If you pre-ordered a copy it ought to be available to you now — either via your e-reader or your mailbox — and if you haven’t there is no time like the...
by Rhonda | Feb 18, 2021 | Guest Post, Punked Up Fairy Tales
On Tuesday, as part of the lead-up to the release of Clockwork, Curses and Coal, I shared a short story which feels like a steam-powered fairy tale on my Patreon and newsletter. That story, “Sisters”, was written by Lisa Timpf and today I am pleased to...
by Rhonda | Feb 9, 2021 | Punked Up Fairy Tales
Last week I was talking about how excited I am to share Clockwork, Curses and Coal with the world, so today I would like to take a few minutes today to tell you about the stories which are included in the anthology. If you were on Twitter or Facebook a few weeks ago...
by Rhonda | Feb 2, 2021 | Punked Up Fairy Tales
One month from today I’ll be releasing Clockwork, Curses and Coal out into the world. I’m super excited about it, too 🙂 Not only will this be the first book I put out this year, it’s one I’m rather proud of. Clockwork, Curses and Coal is the...
by Rhonda | Dec 9, 2020 | Punked Up Fairy Tales
I am so excited to share the cover and Table of Contents for Clockwork, Curses and Coal: Steampunk and Gaslamp Fairy Tales. This is the second anthology in my Punked Up Fairy Tales series and since the first book in the series was very well-received I put a lot of...